Encantos de la Costa Azul y la Provenza: Ruta de la Lavanda
Ab 657 €

Encantos de la Costa Azul y la Provenza: Ruta de la Lavanda

Erstellt: Donnerstag, 1. August 2024 - Abreise: Freitag, 20. September 2024
Ref ID: 10794805
Preis pro Person Ab
657 €
Bezogen auf 2 erwachsene
1.314 €
Erstellt: Donnerstag, 1. August 2024 - Abreise: Freitag, 20. September 2024
Ziele: Marseille, Arles, Nimes, Avignon, Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, Avignon, Aix-en-Provence, Grasse, Nizza, Nizza, Menton, Monaco, Nizza, Antibes, Cannes, Sankt-Raphael, Frejus, Saint Tropez, Marseille

Ihr Tagesablauf

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20 Sept.
Transport von Madrid nach Marseille
Ryanair Ryanair - FR5446
18:35 - Madrid, Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas (MAD)
20:20 - Marseille, Provence (MRS)
1h 45min 0 PC Direktflug
Transport:  FR5446
Kabinenklasse: Economy
20 Sept.
Fiat Panda
Goldcar rental
Klimaanlage 2 Türen 4 Personen
Fiat Panda oder ähnlich
Kraftstoff- Politik: Voll abholen leer zurückgeben
Kilometros incluidos: 200 km por dia (0,15 EUR/km)
Alter des Fahrers

Minimum 21, Maximum 80

Kraftstoff- Politik
Política de combustible: Lleno-vacío. El vehículo es entregado con el depósito lleno, el cual es pagadero en la oficina junto con una tasa de repostaje de entre 15€ y 50€, cuya tasa es NO REEMBOLSABLE. El coste del combustible depende de la categoría y el depósito del vehículo así como el precio actual por litro en el momento de la recogida. El combustible no utilizado puede ser reembolsado por octavos en el momento de la devolución según marque el indicador de nivel en el vehículo.
Allgemeine Zahlungsbedingungen
Prepago: Al recoger su vehiculo es necesario presentar como garantía una tarjeta de crédito válida, cuyo titular sea el conductor que figura en la reserva. No se aceptan tarjetas de débito o prepago como Maestro, Visa Electron o Visa Premier.
Al recoger el coche se bloqueará un depósito de seguridad en la tarjeta de crédito del conductor. Este depósito lo determina el proveedor teniendo en cuenta la categoría de coche seleccionada. Le informamos de que el valor de un depósito de combustible y las posibles multas de tráfico pueden bloquearse adicionalmente en su tarjeta de crédito. Se recomienda presentar una tarjeta de crédito con chip, código pin y números en relieve.Cantidad estimada del depósito: EUR 1100,00
con franquicia de 1.100 EUR
con franquicia de 1.100 EUR

Marseille Airport - Telefon: +33 185 654 704

Aéroport de Marseille Provence, Vitrolles

Öffnungszeiten: 08:29 - 22:29

COVID-19: Please go to Europcar Desk from 13/04 to 31/05. The Europcar counter is in the cabin located on the rental car area. Follow green signs for car rental return. Old description: La estación se encuentra en el aeropuerto. Por favor siga las indicaciones hasta llegar a la estación de alquiler de vehículos.

Marseille Airport - Telefon +33 185 654 704

Aéroport de Marseille Provence, Vitrolles

Öffnungszeiten: 08:29 - 22:29

COVID-19: Please go to Europcar Desk from 13/04 to 31/05. The Europcar counter is in the cabin located on the rental car area. Follow green signs for car rental return. Old description: La estación se encuentra en el aeropuerto. Por favor siga las indicaciones hasta llegar a la estación de alquiler de vehículos.
20 Sept.
1. Marseille
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Über das Reiseziel: Marseille is the second largest city in France, the biggest Mediterranean port and the economic hub of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region. Marseille is set in a beautiful location, snuggled between craggy limestone hills and a sweeping bay, and is rich with history, which wasn’t always pleasant. Marseille is a popular holiday destination, as it has 300 days of sunshine a year. Today Marseilles still keeps traces of its tumultuous past, this ancient city is today very active and attractive. It has powerful charm which encourages visitors, to stroll through its old districts around le Vieux Port, in the gardens with the ancient ruins or the gardens of Longchamp Palace and, of course, on the esplanade of Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde Cathedral, which overlooks the entire city Marseille is atmospheric and charming and a real must.
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21 Sept.
Autofahrt von 91 Kilometer - 1h 22min
21 Sept.
2. Arles
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Über das Reiseziel: Arles is a city and commune in the south of France, in the Bouches-du-Rhône department, of which it is a subprefecture, in the former province of Provence. A large part of the Camargue is located on the territory of the commune, making it the largest commune in Metropolitan France in terms of territory . The city has a long history, and was of considerable importance in the Roman province of Gallia Narbonensis. The Roman and Romanesque Monuments of Arles were listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1981. The Roman amphitheatre (les Arènes d'Arles) was built in the first or second century B.C. houses Corridas at Easter and the Rice Festa in September. Among other Roman attractions are the Classical theater, the Cryptoporticos and a few building that incorporate gallo-roman columns, etc. and the Pont Van Gogh is a bit removed from town.
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21 Sept.
Autofahrt von 33 Kilometer - 43min
21 Sept.
3. Nimes
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Über das Reiseziel: Nimes is a city with a population of around 142,200 in the département of Gard in the south of France. It has a stunning Roman Coliseum that is second only to Rome's. There are a few other fine Roman relics and Diana's Palace.The most important places to visit in Nimes are: Les Arenes, a well preserved Roman arena that hosts bull fighting festivals in September. It was built 100 AD to seat 24,000 spectators it currently seats 10,000 when full and is an amazing site. The Maison Carré is a very well preserved first century Roman temple that would make Nimes worth a visit even if there were nothing else to look at or enjoy in the city. It currently shows a 3D film of heroes of Nimes. The Jardin de la Fontaine is home of Nimes' other important Roman monuments, beautiful statues, and temple of Diane. Nimes is a beautiful French city with a Roman flair.
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21 Sept.
Autofahrt von 29 Kilometer - 52min
Pont du Gard
21 Sept.
4. Pont du Gard
AMUSEMENT - Stoppen Sie auf
21 Sept.
Autofahrt von 30 Kilometer - 45min
Pont du Gard
21 Sept.
5. Avignon
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Über das Reiseziel: Avignon is one of the major cities of Provence, in Southern France. It is the main city of the département of Vaucluse, and is on the banks of the Rhône river. Avignon was one of the European Cities of Culture in 2000. Avignon is home to the world’s largest Gothic edifice, Le Palais des Papes, a UNESCO world heritage site since 1995. The city is sprinkled with buildings and monuments ranging from the new to the old, the very old, and the ageless. Another world heritage site is Pont Saint-Bénezet, better known as le Pont d'Avignon, a famous half destroyed bridge. Avignon's charm, though, lies in the narrow streets of its medieval walled city which contain numerous Gothic and Baroque churches, as well as stunning maisons.Avignon is a vibrant and lively place that captures an ancient ambience that one can feel even around the crowds. Charming Avignon is truly a Medieval Jewel.
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22 Sept.
Autofahrt von 31 Kilometer - 52min
Les Baux-en-Provence
22 Sept.
6. Les Baux-en-Provence
TOWN - Stoppen Sie auf
22 Sept.
Autofahrt von 10 Kilometer - 18min
Les Baux-en-Provence
22 Sept.
7. Saint-Rémy-de-Provence
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Über das Reiseziel: Entdecken Sie den Charme von Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, Frankreich Willkommen in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence Eingebettet im Herzen des Alpilles-Gebirges, ist Saint-Rémy-de-Provence eine malerische Stadt, die den typischen Charme der Provence-Region in Frankreich verkörpert. Mit ihren gewundenen Straßen, geschmückt mit antiken Brunnen, lebhaften Marktplätzen und Feldern voller Lavendel und Sonnenblumen, lädt Saint-Rémy-de-Provence Reisende dazu ein, in die Vergangenheit einzutauchen und die Ruhe des ländlichen französischen Lebens zu genießen. Kulturelle Schätze und künstlerisches Erbe Saint-Rémy-de-Provence ist nicht nur für seine malerische Schönheit bekannt, sondern auch für sein reiches kulturelles Erbe. Kunstbegeisterte werden erfreut sein zu erfahren, dass die Stadt einst Heimat des berühmten niederländischen Malers Vincent van Gogh war. Während seines Aufenthalts in der Nervenheilanstalt Saint-Paul-de-Mausole schuf van Gogh einige seiner berühmtesten Werke, inspiriert von der provenzalischen Landschaft. Heute können Besucher auf der 'Van Gogh-Wanderung' in die Fußstapfen des Künstlers treten und die Szenen seiner Gemälde betrachten, die nahezu unverändert geblieben sind. Das örtliche Musée Estrine bietet auch Einblicke in van Goghs Leben und zeigt zeitgenössische Kunstausstellungen. Ein gastronomisches Abenteuer Ein Besuch in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence wäre nicht vollständig ohne den Genuss der lokalen Küche. Die Stadt ist ein gastronomisches Paradies und bietet eine Fülle von Restaurants und Cafés, die traditionelle provenzalische Gerichte wie Ratatouille, Bouillabaisse und Tapenade servieren. Mittwochmorgens erwacht die Stadt mit den lebhaften Farben und verlockenden Düften des wöchentlichen Marktes zum Leben, wo Besucher frische, lokal produzierte Käsesorten, Weine, Oliven und eine Vielzahl von handwerklichen Produkten probieren und kaufen können. Outdoor-Aktivitäten und Erkundungen Für diejenigen, die die freie Natur lieben, bietet Saint-Rémy-de-Provence reichlich Gelegenheiten zur Erkundung. Wandern oder radeln Sie durch die rauen Alpilles-Berge, erkunden Sie die antiken römischen Ruinen von Glanum am Stadtrand oder besuchen Sie den ruhigen Lac de Peiroou für ein Picknick am Wasser. Wenn der Tag sich dem Ende neigt, gesellen Sie sich auf dem Stadtplatz zu den Einheimischen für einen Aperitif, beobachten Sie das Treiben und genießen Sie das goldene provenzalische Sonnenlicht, das seit Jahrhunderten Künstler und Reisende gleichermaßen fasziniert. In Saint-Rémy-de-Provence vereint sich die Anziehungskraft des französischen Landlebens mit Geschichte, Kunst und Gastronomie zu einem Reiseerlebnis, das ebenso bereichernd wie entspannend ist. Ob Sie Inspiration, Abenteuer oder einen Geschmack des provenzalischen Lebensstils suchen, Saint-Rémy-de-Provence ist ein Reiseziel, das wirklich für jeden etwas zu bieten hat.
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22 Sept.
Autofahrt von 40 Kilometer - 1h 2min
Abbaye Notre Dame de Sénanque
22 Sept.
8. Abbaye Notre Dame de Sénanque
AMUSEMENT - Stoppen Sie auf
22 Sept.
Autofahrt von 46 Kilometer - 1h 7min
Abbaye Notre Dame de Sénanque
22 Sept.
9. Avignon
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Über das Reiseziel: Avignon is one of the major cities of Provence, in Southern France. It is the main city of the département of Vaucluse, and is on the banks of the Rhône river. Avignon was one of the European Cities of Culture in 2000. Avignon is home to the world’s largest Gothic edifice, Le Palais des Papes, a UNESCO world heritage site since 1995. The city is sprinkled with buildings and monuments ranging from the new to the old, the very old, and the ageless. Another world heritage site is Pont Saint-Bénezet, better known as le Pont d'Avignon, a famous half destroyed bridge. Avignon's charm, though, lies in the narrow streets of its medieval walled city which contain numerous Gothic and Baroque churches, as well as stunning maisons.Avignon is a vibrant and lively place that captures an ancient ambience that one can feel even around the crowds. Charming Avignon is truly a Medieval Jewel.
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23 Sept.
Autofahrt von 87 Kilometer - 1h 5min
23 Sept.
10. Aix-en-Provence
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Über das Reiseziel: Aix-en-Provence is a city in Provence, a region in the south of France. Aix-en-Provence is a small, classically Provençal town, famous for being home to Cézanne. Three universities and several French-language schools for international students produce a very strong student presence.Aix is famous for its fountains. The largest and most famous is on the Cours Mirabeau, the main avenue through town, as well as a moss-covered fountain which draws its water from a hot spring. Aix is also known for its architecture. The varied and often intricate doors are a key feature, as well as the bell towers. The city market runs multiple days a week, but the largest and most colorful is the Saturday market which includes a flower market at the Place de l'Hotel de Ville and the main food market is at Place Richelme. It has also become known as the home of Cézanne's later works. You can see his atelier with some of the original objects he painted into his still lives. The Bibémus Quarries allow you to see Mt. St. Victoire, the mountains he captured in many of his paintings. You can also visit the Manor of Jas de Bouffan, which houses many of his masterpieces.The city center is mostly pedestrian and, though it is quite small, offers long hours of nice walks. As in all Provençal towns, the city centre consists of narrow streets, lined with interesting buildings from 17th century hotels to paved plazas.
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23 Sept.
Autofahrt von 156 Kilometer - 1h 57min
23 Sept.
11. Grasse
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23 Sept.
Autofahrt von 43 Kilometer - 54min
23 Sept.
12. Nizza
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Über das Reiseziel: Nice weathers its storms of tourisms each summer with all the usual accoutrements of a Riviera town: Casual affluence, an ample beach, museums, flowery avenues but lack the affected aloofness of its neighbours. Furthermore, Nice is blessed with good public transport within the city and to all points on the Côte d’Azur, and makes it a good base for Riviera exploring. Nice’s long thin beach and bronzing guests are the city’s principal attractions for most visitors. Nonetheless, Nice’s vieille ville, the old town, is worth a visit. The old quarter is an unusual blend of glitter and a Mediterranean medieval quarter of tiny streets and outdoors markets. For a spectacular Riviera panorama, climb up to the top of the chateau. The city has several outstanding museums, such as the Musée Matisse, devoted to the work of French painter Henri Matisse, or the Musée National Marc Chagall, dedicated to the work of painter Marc Chagall. The majestic promenade des Anglais sweeps along the coast. This pedestrian zone swarms with boutiques, busy restaurants and all variety of tourists. The nightlife in Nice is effervescent, the labyrinth of tiny streets in the vieille ville hides restaurants and bars, and accounts for the city’s Mediterranean flair.
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24 Sept.
Autofahrt von 7 Kilometer - 25min
24 Sept.
13. Villefranche-sur-mer
TOWN - Stoppen Sie auf
24 Sept.
Autofahrt von 4 Kilometer - 13min
Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat gardens
24 Sept.
14. Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat gardens
AMUSEMENT - Stoppen Sie auf
24 Sept.
Autofahrt von 8 Kilometer - 27min
Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat gardens
24 Sept.
15. Nizza
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Über das Reiseziel: Nice weathers its storms of tourisms each summer with all the usual accoutrements of a Riviera town: Casual affluence, an ample beach, museums, flowery avenues but lack the affected aloofness of its neighbours. Furthermore, Nice is blessed with good public transport within the city and to all points on the Côte d’Azur, and makes it a good base for Riviera exploring. Nice’s long thin beach and bronzing guests are the city’s principal attractions for most visitors. Nonetheless, Nice’s vieille ville, the old town, is worth a visit. The old quarter is an unusual blend of glitter and a Mediterranean medieval quarter of tiny streets and outdoors markets. For a spectacular Riviera panorama, climb up to the top of the chateau. The city has several outstanding museums, such as the Musée Matisse, devoted to the work of French painter Henri Matisse, or the Musée National Marc Chagall, dedicated to the work of painter Marc Chagall. The majestic promenade des Anglais sweeps along the coast. This pedestrian zone swarms with boutiques, busy restaurants and all variety of tourists. The nightlife in Nice is effervescent, the labyrinth of tiny streets in the vieille ville hides restaurants and bars, and accounts for the city’s Mediterranean flair.
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25 Sept.
Autofahrt von 29 Kilometer - 45min
25 Sept.
16. Menton
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Über das Reiseziel: Menton s a commune in the Alpes-Maritimes department in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region in southeastern France. Situated on the French Riviera, along the Franco-Italian border, it is nicknamed perle de la France ("Pearl of France").
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25 Sept.
Autofahrt von 13 Kilometer - 41min
25 Sept.
17. Monaco
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Über das Reiseziel: Monaco evokes luxury and glamour. This small country, the world’s second smallest in fact, has a big personality. Its privileged geographical location on the French Riviera makes it a gem of a city. The oldest part of the city is known as the Rock. The Rock houses the National Council, the parliament of the Principality of Monaco, and the Prince’s Palace. The Palace is a major touristic attraction, even though from the outside there is nothing to suggest it is the home of the Royal Family. Its values resides on the inside, where magnificent rooms are filled with an impressive artistic assortment. Get there at 11.55am for the daily changing of the guard. The most acclaimed part of the city is Monte Carlo, with its majestic Casino. Monte Carlo oozes privilege and opulence, its streets are crowded by celebrities and the super-rich flashing its hedonist lifestyle. Gardens, fountains and contemporary sculptures embellish the streets. For visitors wishing to bask in some Monaco glitz, there are big annual events such as the Tennis Masters Series in April and the Formula 1 Grand Prix in May. Away from the glamour, we have La Condamine, the second oldest district in Monaco, with its simple and pleasant beauty. In this part of the city, visitors can enjoy scenic walking routes, pretty costal bays and al fresco cafés. Monaco is beautiful and chic, it is brimming with uber high end resorts and has got a great weather and even better food. If you do visit Monaco it won’t disappoint because in this city everything is there to please you.
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25 Sept.
Autofahrt von 21 Kilometer - 39min
25 Sept.
18. Nizza
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Über das Reiseziel: Nice weathers its storms of tourisms each summer with all the usual accoutrements of a Riviera town: Casual affluence, an ample beach, museums, flowery avenues but lack the affected aloofness of its neighbours. Furthermore, Nice is blessed with good public transport within the city and to all points on the Côte d’Azur, and makes it a good base for Riviera exploring. Nice’s long thin beach and bronzing guests are the city’s principal attractions for most visitors. Nonetheless, Nice’s vieille ville, the old town, is worth a visit. The old quarter is an unusual blend of glitter and a Mediterranean medieval quarter of tiny streets and outdoors markets. For a spectacular Riviera panorama, climb up to the top of the chateau. The city has several outstanding museums, such as the Musée Matisse, devoted to the work of French painter Henri Matisse, or the Musée National Marc Chagall, dedicated to the work of painter Marc Chagall. The majestic promenade des Anglais sweeps along the coast. This pedestrian zone swarms with boutiques, busy restaurants and all variety of tourists. The nightlife in Nice is effervescent, the labyrinth of tiny streets in the vieille ville hides restaurants and bars, and accounts for the city’s Mediterranean flair.
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26 Sept.
Autofahrt von 23 Kilometer - 1h 0min
26 Sept.
19. Antibes
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26 Sept.
Autofahrt von 11 Kilometer - 34min
26 Sept.
20. Cannes
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Über das Reiseziel: Once a small fishing village, Cannes is now a glamorous and expensive seaside town considered to be one of the social hubs of Europe. Its moment to shine arrives in May as the venue for the Cannes Film Festival, entertaining the rich and famous. During the festival, fans can see actors, celebrities, and directors up close and in person on the famous steps of the Palais des Festivals at the end of La Croisette. Although its nightlife, casinos and high end restaurants give Cannes a feel of exclusivity, Cannes does have alternatives to suit all types of budgets. Tourists can check out the beauty and architecture of Le Suquet, with its cobbled streets and breathtaking views, or sit at street side tables and enjoy the favoured hobby of people watching up and down the lovely marina.
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27 Sept.
Autofahrt von 40 Kilometer - 1h 0min
27 Sept.
21. Sankt-Raphael
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Über das Reiseziel: Saint-Raphaël ist eine Gemeinde im Departement Var in der Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur im Südosten Frankreichs. Unmittelbar westlich von Saint-Raphaël liegt eine andere, ältere Stadt namens Fréjus, und zusammen bilden sie eine städtische Agglomeration, die als Fréjus Saint-Raphaël bekannt ist. Das Var liegt in der Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, oft abgekürzt als PACA. In der zweiten Hälfte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts kam die Gemeinde unter den Einfluss des Bürgermeisters Felix Martin und des Schriftstellers Alphonse Karr, und dank ihrer Bemühungen und des günstigen Klimas entwickelte sich die Gemeinde zu einem bei Künstlern, Sportlern und Politikern beliebten Seebad. Es ist der Hauptsitz des Kantons Fréjus Saint-Raphaël, der das wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Zentrum des östlichen Var ist und im Arrondissement Draguignan liegt. Seine Einwohner werden allgemein auf Französisch als Raphaëlois oder auf Provenzalisch-Okzitanisch als Rafelencs bezeichnet.
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27 Sept.
Autofahrt von 5 Kilometer - 14min
27 Sept.
22. Frejus
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27 Sept.
Autofahrt von 38 Kilometer - 1h 21min
Saint Tropez
27 Sept.
23. Saint Tropez
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Über das Reiseziel: Saint-Tropez is a town, west of Nice, in the Var department of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region of southeastern France. It is also the principal town in the canton of Saint-Tropez. Saint-Tropez is located on the French Riviera. After the war, it became an internationally known seaside resort, renowned principally because of the influx of artists of the French New Wave in cinema and the Yé-yé movement in music. It later became a resort for the European and American jet set and a goal for tourists in search of a little Provençal authenticity and an occasional celebrity sighting. In the first week of July there is an international Polo tournament, which attracts the best polo players from around the world to the Saint-Tropez Polo Club.
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27 Sept.
Autofahrt von 144 Kilometer - 2h 20min
Saint Tropez
27 Sept.
24. Marseille
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Über das Reiseziel: Marseille is the second largest city in France, the biggest Mediterranean port and the economic hub of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region. Marseille is set in a beautiful location, snuggled between craggy limestone hills and a sweeping bay, and is rich with history, which wasn’t always pleasant. Marseille is a popular holiday destination, as it has 300 days of sunshine a year. Today Marseilles still keeps traces of its tumultuous past, this ancient city is today very active and attractive. It has powerful charm which encourages visitors, to stroll through its old districts around le Vieux Port, in the gardens with the ancient ruins or the gardens of Longchamp Palace and, of course, on the esplanade of Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde Cathedral, which overlooks the entire city Marseille is atmospheric and charming and a real must.
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28 Sept.
Transport von Marseille nach Madrid
Ryanair Ryanair - FR5447
14:40 - Marseille, Provence (MRS)
16:25 - Madrid, Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas (MAD)
1h 45min 0 PC Direktflug
Transport:  FR5447
Kabinenklasse: Economy
Preis pro Person Ab
657 €
Bezogen auf 2 erwachsene
1.314 €
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